Screen Shot 2013-09-14 at 1.51.29 PMI recently bought Coconut Secret’s Coconut Aminos at one of my most favorite NYC natural foods stores, LifeThyme on Sixth Avenue and 8th Street. I read the label closely to be sure it was not highly processed (one of the biggest problems I have with Bragg’s Aminos). The label said it was raw, so I bought it, but waited until I was able to do research on it, before opening the bottle. As best as I can tell, this product is raw, and unprocessed, and full of minerals. It also is gluten and soy free, unlike soy sauce.

You may be asking what are liquid Aminos. If you click on the link above for Coconut Aminos, you can read further about liquid aminos and why they are good for you. They have the flavor of soy sauce, so you can use liquid aminos to replace soy sauce, and increase your health benefits at the same time. Soy sauce contains gluten (wheat) so people have often used Tamari as a replacement for soy sauce when they are gluten intolerant, but Tamari is made with soy, so what would someone use to replace Tamari if they are sensitive to soy and wheat? Well, a lot of people use Bragg’s Aminos; however, I stopped using Bragg’s a few years ago when I learned it is highly processed using heat and pressure, and therefore high in free glutamates, which are a form of MSG and therefore loaded with excitotoxins.

I am interested in all of the other products that Coconut Secret sells, so I will be buying them, using them, and seeing what I think. So far, I like the brand a lot. Their products seem to be from a pure source, and well made. So far, I highly recommend them, but at the very least, the Coconut Aminos are a healthy replacement for soy sauce, Tamari, and Bragg’s Aminos.

Sharon, T H E E C O C H E F